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5 reasons why Amiflex is so easy to use

Latest update (as of July 28): We are delighted to announce that Amiflex has successfully made its way to the USA. We are keeping track of the state registrations for Amiflex and sharing these updates in real-time on our dedicated Amiflex webpage. Just one click away, you can stay up-to-date with all the latest developments. Moreover, we are on the brink of releasing the list of selected distributors that will carry our product. This information will also be available on the same link.


Please note, purchasing and using Amiflex requires an RUP license. For further information about the Pesticide Safety Education Programs in your state, we recommend visiting this EPA webpage.


Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to expand the reach of Amiflex!

Amiflex is the newest registered amitraz-based product to treat your hives against varroa mites. It is the first ever FLASH treatment based on amitraz specifically registered for honey bee colonies.

When developing Amiflex, our goal was to create an easy and flexible application:

  • To reduce mite infestation before or in-between honey flows,
  • As a follow-up after the end-of-the-season treatment,
  • And as a support to decrease the mite populations between the main treatments.

Our second focus was to remove some of the difficulties and limits associated with most mite treatments. You know what we are talking about…. Having to treat between 50°F and 85°F, purchase extra material to apply the product, or mix extra ingredients… you name it!

Here are 5 good reasons why Amiflex will make you save time and energy:

#1 – Amiflex is a 7-day treatment.

Apply Amiflex for 7 days by forming two lines of gel on the top bars of each brood box with the dosing gun. Easy peasy. Then, remove the gel, and you can set up your supers right away. There is no withdrawal period with Amiflex = no time lost!

If the infestation is very high, renew the application for 7 days after a 7-day break. It will cover an entire worker bee brood cycle of 21 days.

Disclaimer: Amiflex does not replace a long-term treatment of several weeks. It is an additional tool to quickly lower the mite infestation during the season. Make sure you complement it with other treatments and/or hive management techniques.

#2 – No mixing required! Amiflex comes in ready-to-use gel cartridges.

One of the most significant advantages of Amiflex is that you do not have to mix ingredients. The amitraz is already pre-dosed and mixed with a gel for easy application in the hive. You can be sure you are using the perfect dosage to guarantee high efficacy and limited residues in the hive.

#3 – No need to purchase extra material: Amiflex comes with a dosing gun.

The Amiflex starter pack includes a dosing gun. Each trigger delivers the perfect dosage.

You do not need to purchase any additional material to apply the product, nor carry heavy devices or tools to your bee yard.

#4 – Amiflex is not temperature-dependent.

And that is an incredible advantage when you want to make a quick treatment in-between honey flows or right before your end-of-season treatment. No need to check if the temperature is too high or worry about your queens and colonies.

You can use Amiflex any time of the year, providing that your bees are active in the hive and that you have no honey supers set up.

#5 – Amiflex is flexible, you can use it up to 4 times a year.

Amiflex is super flexible. You can use it before setting up honey supers in spring, between honey flows, and/or right before your end-of-season treatment. You can use it for up to 4 applications per year.*

*One application lasts 7 days. If you have a heavy infestation and apply Amiflex two times in a row with a 7-day break in-between, it counts as two applications.

To wrap it up, we designed Amiflex to save you lots of time when applying varroa treatments, providing a new and innovative option to control mites that can be used throughout the season – whenever your colonies are without supers. Responding to urgent needs of the beekeeping industry for improved varroa treatments, we developed Amiflex to reduce mite infestations quickly in-between honey flows, as a follow-up after the end-of-the-season treatment, and as a support to decrease mite populations between the main treatments.

Want to learn more about Amiflex? Visit the Amiflex webpage!

The contents of this page are intended for the American public. The instructions for use of the miticites mentioned comply with US regulations. We have already introduced you to our

Learn about the safety of Amiflex, an amitraz-based flash treatment for Varroa mites, with a focus on the residues found in honey and wax. Our clinical studies show how Amiflex
This brochure is an essential document to help you use Amiflex treatment to its fullest potential.

Amiflex® is registered as a “Restricted Use Pesticide” (RUP). This means that its application is limited to certified applicators who have completed specialized training and are licensed by the state or federal government. The RUP status ensures the safe and effective use of these pesticides. If you’re interested in learning more about pesticide safety regulations and certification programs in your state, the EPA provides a comprehensive list of state pesticide safety education programs on their website. You can find more information here: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/how-get-certified-pesticide-applicator and here https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/pesticide-safety-education-programs-0
